It won't be long and you will be faced with a discussion about the difficulty of a route - indoor or outdoor, bouldering or sport climbing. Even though most climbers climb for the fun of it, it seems to be human nature to measure your own progress and compare yourself to your peers using a more or less suitable system. In the climbing world - with all its variety - the rating or grading of a climb is done using so called difficulty grading systems. As you can imagine, there are many different grading systems, some by discipline but most by crag (e.g. different systems in different countries). The basic principle of all difficulty grading systems is, that the harder a climb, the higher the number. This means that in French scale a 6a is harder than a 5b or in HUECO-scale a V8 is harder than a V6 and so on.

How difficult a climb actually is is determined by many factors such as steepness of the route, size and quality of holds, the distance between holds, the difficulty of the movements to reach the next hold, how sustained a route is and so on. Obviously, grades have a subjective component and what feels hard to one person might feel less so to another.

French UK Austr. UIAA North America Hueco UK Font
1 – 2 HVD 8 – 9 I-II 5.2 – 3 - -
2 – 3 MS 10 – 12 III 5.4 – 5 - -
4 S 13- IV 5.6 - -
4+ VS 13+ V- 5.7 - -
5a HVS 14 V 5.8 - -
5b - 15 V+ 5.9 V0 B1 4
6a E1 5b 19 VI+ 5.10a - - -
6a+ E2 5c 19/20 VI+/VII- 5.10b V0+ B2 4+
6b - 20 VII 5.10c V1 B3 5
6b+ E3 5c 21 VII+ 5.10d - - -
6c - 21/22 VII+/VIII- 5.11a V2 B4 6a
6c+ E4 6a 22 VIII- 5.11b V3 - 6a+
7a - 23 VIII 5.11c/d - B5-6 -
7a+ E5 6b 24 VIII/VIII+ 5.12a V4 - 6b/c
7b - 25 VIII+ 5.12b V5 - 6c
7b+ E6 6b 26 IX- 5.12c  V6 B7 6c+
7c - 27 IX 5.12d - - 7a
7c+ - 28 IX/IX+ 5.13a V7 B8 7a+
8a E7 6c 29 IX+ 5.13b V8 - 7b
8a+ - 30 X- 5.13c - B9 7c
8b E8 7a 31 x 5.13d V9 - -
8b+ - 32 X/X+ 5.14a V10 B10 7c+
8c E9 7b 33 X+ 5.14b V11 - -
8c+ - 34 XI- 5.14c V12/13 B12 8a+
9a E10 7c 35 XI 5.14d/5.15 - - -